Manager's Message

"The extent of our impact on the world depends on the size of your devotion to excellence."

Life is a constant flow of what has been, what is and what is to come. In the measure we insert ourselves in the space of time, the more alive and vibrant we become to the realities that life has to offer.

Looking in retrospect over the span 22 years HHPS has been the recipient of many blessings and has been a blessing to those who have passed through its portals. The selfless service, profound interest and enthusiasm among all at HHPS , is highly infectious and has molded the staff and students to excel not only in academics and co-curricular activities but instilled moral values, a loyalty towards the school motto and given them a clear vision of their mission.

The school since its inspection has believed to stand high on its ideology 'WE LOVE, WE CARE, WE SHARE' inspires and ignites a feeling of belongings in all the students and faculty members.

Manager's Message